Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Introducing... AIDEN!

Aiden Cooper Magnuson was born on January 23rd, 2009. Weighing in at a whopping 9 pounds and 6 ounces, Aiden had a rough time from the start. He was born 10 days past his due date and I was induced with him because I was failing my "non-stress" test. Aiden came out blue and barely breathing, but it didn't take long to get him going! We stayed in the NIC-U for 6 days due to very low blood sugar counts and the threat of a possible infection. He has an IV everywhere; his hand, foot, and then even in his head 3 separate places! Aiden pulled through those first days of life and came home perfectly healthy.

As he began to get bigger, I was alarmed at how he was still eating every few hours. Friends told me it was time for him to be sleeping through the night, but that did not seem like it was going to fly with Aiden. Finally, we took him to our doctor again who discovered an extremely low blood sugar level again! No wonder he was so hungry! Also, about that same time his eyes were still not able to focus on and track objects. We decided to take the next step and see a few specialists at Duke University, a few hours from our home.

His pediatric eye doctor ran quite a few tests before informing us that Aiden had Optic Nerve Hypoplasia - ONH. We didn't really know what that meant for us or our family, but we knew that we would do everything in our power to help him make the most of every single day! As for his sight, we were told that he would probably have little to no sight and that there was currently NO TREATMENT or cure and essentially nothing we could do. From there, we were sent to an Endocrinologist who reviewed an MRI that had been done on Aiden. She discovered some pituitary deficiencies/abnormalities as well as a thickening in his brain. She immediately checked his hormone levels and we decided to begin hormone therapy right away. He began taking a growth hormone (A SHOT every single day!!), a thyroid hormone, and a cortisol supplement. We were informed that cortisol is what your body makes when you get sick, and Aiden didn't produce ANY. Therefore, if Aiden gets sick he has to get a double or triple dose of this one to help his body properly fight off the sickness!

Now, Aiden sees 4 therapists on a weekly and bi-weekly basis; physical, play, visual, and occupational therapists. He seems to be developing wonderfully although at 14 months, is still working on trying to walk and crawl. He is really getting there though! We are SO proud of him and he truly has the ability to put a smile on ANYONE's face. He laughs ALL the time. He is the most perfectly amazing child I have ever seen. God has truly blessed our family and our lives by giving us this bundle of joy.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

-Jeremiah 29:11